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Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 22:51:36 -0700 (MST)
From: Jay Carlson <>
Cc:,, Tanya Swanson <>
Subject: Zoop: TopSpin Review.


It was fun. There were a ton of people having a fukkin great time. We saw over 400 different faces that night. Most of them had smiles.
Unfortunately the party had two distinct, seperate vibes. (Alcohol sucks.)


For the first time at a Zoop party, I was pleased with the sound system. The bass was thumpy and clean, and the highs were loud and clear too! It sounded great from the back of the room, and if you wanted to venture to the front of the room, you weren't dissapointed. Also, it was EQ'd very nicely. And MAAAAD props go out to Tally for providing additional sound reinforcements.

Biggest problem was with the circuit breakers. None of the circuits that we had access to were rated at over 20 amps. Needless to say, we had to run to the breaker box a few times, even though we were drawing from 4 seperate circuits. We lost some of our bass many times during the night, but it was always fixed before it became annoying. Once, we tripped the "mission critical" circuit, and the sound DIED! Sorry Willie!!! A simple "unplug this from here and move it to here" insured that it wouldn't happen again.


Main room: A bunch of christmas lights, some black lights, a strobe, one Startek II, a Fog-Hog, and two TVs.

Chill room: Dim incadescent lights and two very annoying green beacons.

inimum lighting all around, but I think the lights were about perfect for this party. One note though, the black lights looked cooler after the beach ball knocked the crystal diffuser out of the light fixture. It seems that the crystal diffuser converts ultraviolet light into white light. Zoop keep this in mind for next time.


Kine spun some good tracks. He definately could use some more practice in the mixing dept., but I think that it's cool as hell that we let him spin.

Willie's track progression was similar to that of his set at Gravitate, with a few subtle differences (like when he mixed out of the track with the notorious BIG intermission right before my favorite part of the track!). His set was pretty good, in spite of a few botched mixes. He didn't try to drag them out -- he just admitted failure and threw the crossfader -- the way a botched mix should be handled. Being a closet house fiend, I LOVE some of the tracks he has. His set wasn't as good as the one he spun at Gravitate (THAT SET WAS SMOKIN'!!), but all in all I think he's a damn good DJ. It'd be cool to see him get a better spot sometime.

BrianE spun the best set I've ever heard from him. He started with goa trance, and seamlessly warped the style into progressive trance. The entire set had me dancing like a maniac! The track progression was great, and most of his mixes were right-on. Also, the progressive trance mixes were SOOOOOOO smoooooth! I can't wait until the audio is up on the website, so I can listen to it over and over and over...

Tilzs's set was pretty good, but his set didn't set me off until he played "God is a DJ". I moved back and forth between the dance floor and the chill room a lot during his set, and that's probably why I didn't really get into the music. Parts of it were really good, but other parts of it just didn't work with my mindset. As always, his mixing was very tight. Of course then the MPLS crew arrived with whistles and blow-up toys, which was a very cool idea, because RC has never seen stuff like that at a party before. So I handed out some whistles, and the entire room was chirping and whisteling to the rest of DJ Tilz's set. It was a lot of fun.

DJ Spree then took over the party. Happy hardcore bay-beeeeee! EVERYBODY SAY CHEEEEEEEEEEEZE!! At the beginning of the set we threw out all the beach balls and boppers and bats to the crowd. The music threw the entire party into overdrive, and the vibe was amazing. The entire dance floor was packed with bodies, and everybody was goin' fukkin' nuts! There were inflatable thingys flying all over the place, and there were chirping whistles all around! Aside from when this one drunk guy danced right into a turntable, the set was flawless. Very good happy hardcore indeed.  Thank you DJ Spree for gracing us with your presence. All during the set the Cloudskipper was on the mike, keeping the crowd fired up.

DJ Cloudskipper then stepped up to the decks and continued with what Spree had started. Cloudskipper gave us yet another incredible set, and the pure energy level of the party was amazing. I heard Cloudskipper's net mix and thought it was good, but his performance at TopSpin was simply incredible! Watch out for this guy, 'cauze he just might take over the world someday. With MC Spree on the mike, the Cloudskipper kept that dance floor fully jumpin' happy hardcore style until the very end of the party! When the party ended, there were a bunch of people begging "ONE MORE PLEEEEEEAAAAZZZEEEEE!!!" I've never seen people beg for an encore at the end of a rave before that night. Another piece of vinyl was fired up, and everybody cheered! But, the venu owners didn't feel like going longer, so we had to shut down, which was a real drag.

Okay. That's the end of my review. The party rocked. I hope to see ya all at the next one! Holy shit, is it really almost midnight allready? Damn, I've got studying to do. I'll stop typing now.

--Crazy Jay


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